How to Activate Assets in Komodo Web Wallet

 How to Activate Assets in Komodo Web Wallet
  • You will see the complete list of available assets on Komodo Web Wallet.
 How to Activate Assets in Komodo Web Wallet
  • Use filters to see only the Protocols you are interested in.
 How to Activate Assets in Komodo Web Wallet
  • Use the searchbar to filter by name or ticker.
 How to Activate Assets in Komodo Web Wallet
  • Click the “Add assets” button to activate the selected coins. After clicking the “Add assets” button, you will see a “loading” spinner for a short period before being returned to the Wallet page.
    • Once activation has completed, you will see your selected coins and balances on the wallet page.
    • All activated coins will automatically be enabled again when logging this wallet on the same device until you deactivate them.
 How to Activate Assets in Komodo Web Wallet