How to Withdraw/Send Funds in Komodo Web Wallet

  • In a new browser tab, open Komodo Web Wallet and create or import your wallet

  • Open the “wallet” tab.

 How to Withdraw/Send Funds in Komodo Web Wallet;

 How to Withdraw/Send Funds in Komodo Web Wallet;

  • Click the “Send” button

 How to Withdraw/Send Funds in Komodo Web Wallet;

  • Enter the destination address and amount, then tap on the “Send” button.

 How to Withdraw/Send Funds in Komodo Web Wallet;

  • Optionally, you can set a custom fee for your withdrawal by toggling the “custom fee” option.

 How to Withdraw/Send Funds in Komodo Web Wallet;

  • After tapping “Send”, you will be shown the prepared transaction details for confirmation. If you are satisfied with the details, tap the “Confirm” button to send the funds.

 How to Withdraw/Send Funds in Komodo Web Wallet;

  • Transaction completed! On this page, you can see the transaction hash and check more transaction details by clicking the “View On Explorer” button

 How to Withdraw/Send Funds in Komodo Web Wallet;